Cortisol is a hormonemade naturally in the body
Cortisol plays an important role in managing stress, sleep-wake cycles, body temperature, metabolism, and blood sugar. But if there's too much cortisol in the body for too long, that can keep blood sugar high. It can also cause other health issues, like high blood pressure and unexplained weight gain.
In a study that includedpeople with type 2 diabetes and uncontrolled high blood sugar, nearly 1 in 4 had excess cortisol*
If your blood sugar numbers are unpredictable despite eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and taking multiple medications, it could be a sign of a deeper problem.
You may have a condition called Cushing syndrome (hypercortisolism), which is caused by having too much cortisol over a long period of time.
The study included adults with type 2 diabetes who: are taking multiple antidiabetic medications or are taking insulin and another antidiabetic medication; are taking 2 antidiabetic medications and had diabetes-related nerve damage, eye or kidney problems, or heart disease related to diabetes, and/or had high blood pressure that needed 2 or more medications to manage.
Having excess cortisol
can lead toa variety of signs and symptoms
The effects of excess cortisol over time can vary from person to person. So, if you have uncontrolled blood sugar and ANY signs and symptoms from the categories below—even 1 or 2—it's important to talk to your healthcare provider about checking your cortisol level.
General Health
Uncontrolled blood sugar (type 2 diabetes)
Uncontrolled blood pressure
Weak bones and bone fractures
Trouble healing from wounds
Irregular periods and menstrual cycles
Blood clots or a history of blood clots
Kidney stones
Weight gain around the center of your body
Easy bruising, fragile skin, rashes
Thin arms and legs
Purple stretch marks (striae)
Fatty hump between the shoulders (buffalo hump)
Round face (moon face) and/or reddened face
Unwanted hair growth or hair loss
Depression, feeling hopeless
Trouble remembering things, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, forgetfulness
Extreme mood swings
Irritability, anger, feeling short-fused
Muscle weakness
Sexual dysfunction
Extreme fatigue, easily fatigued

General Health
General Health
Uncontrolled blood sugar (type 2 diabetes)
Uncontrolled blood pressure
Weak bones and bone fractures
Trouble healing from wounds
Irregular periods and menstrual cycles
Blood clots or a history of blood clots
Kidney stones

Weight gain around the center of your body
Easy bruising, fragile skin, rashes
Thin arms and legs
Purple stretch marks (striae)
Fatty hump between the shoulders (buffalo hump)
Round face (moon face) and/or reddened face
Unwanted hair growth or hair loss

Depression, feeling hopeless
Trouble remembering things, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, forgetfulness
Extreme mood swings
Irritability, anger, feeling short-fused

Muscle weakness
Sexual dysfunction
Extreme fatigue, easily fatigued
Could it be time toask for a cortisol test?
The Excess Cortisol Checklist is a personalized resource that can help start a conversation with your healthcare provider about testing for excess cortisol. The sooner you get tested, the sooner you'll know if ongoing excess cortisol has been causing your high blood sugar and other health issues.