Looking for aspecialist in your area?
Use the locator tool below to help find a specialist who may be able to test for excess cortisol.
The Doctor Finder is an independent third-party search widget which provides links to third-party websites. Corcept Therapeutics incorporated (“Corcept”) does not control the content contained on any third-party widget or website and makes no express or implied warranties about the accuracy or completeness of information contained thereon. Your use of those widgets and websites is governed solely by the policies and practices of those third-party widgets and websites.
Inclusion of a physician on this directory does not constitute a referral, endorsement, recommendation, or verification of the physician’s credentials, qualifications or medical skills by Corcept. Additionally, this directory listing has not been generated in any manner that takes into account the volume or value of any referrals of business to Corcept. Finally, this directory is not an exhaustive list of all physicians in a location, and may not include all physicians who may be able to provide a diagnosis for Cushing syndrome. You are ultimately responsible for the selection of your healthcare providers. This is an important decision, and you should consult with your insurance provider and healthcare team, and carefully consider any other valid information available to you in selecting a physician.
Use this personalized resource to help start a conversation with your healthcare provider.